Flames Love Calculator | Couples | Anyone


flames love calculator india 2022


FLAME!! is a free online love/relation prediction tool for two person, singles and couples. The tool predicts the future of the relationship between you and your partner. Anyone can use this tool.

Using this tool you can know what may be your relationship with your partner. Remember this is just a tool. We hope you will like it. If you a single and in love with your partner then using this tool you may know what may be your relationship with your crush in future. If you are a couple or married then you may know what is the relationship between you and your partner and what it may become in future. This tool is basically a NUMEROLOGY FUN TOOL just like tarot cards where chosen cards tell about the future or what may be happening or the relationship between two in the future.

How FLAME!! Tool Works--

FLAME!! is a fun free tool for predicting what may be your relationship with your partner. Let us know how this works. Flame has letters 'F, l, a,m,e' F means FRIENDS L means LOVE A means ALONE M means MARRIAGE E means ENEMY now, you are asked for your first name and your another person/your partner's first name, names have letters, now the number of identical letters are cut in each name in the same number as they exist. Now remaining uncut letters in both are counted from 1,2,3... and so on, and the total is then counted on word FLAME where 1 start at F, 2 starts at L, 3 starts at A,4 at M, 5 at E ,6 at again starting from F,7 at L,8 at A and son on. Let us take an example -- Suppose your name is Felorin and your partner name is Cerollisa, now in both names letters e,r,l, o,i occur in both names but l is once in Felorin and l is twice in Cerollisa so this letter will be cut only one time,likeso all identical letters in both names are cut with each other in similar number., like in name given-- 

 F E L O R I N and C E R O L L I S A
now you may see all uncut letters in names F,N in your first name,C,L,S,A in partners name, the total number of uncut letters in both names are counted and sum is taken, here for the given example total nimber of uncut letters are--6 , now this total is counted on word FLAME where 6 end up at F which means FRIENDSHIP it says that predicted relationship between you and your partner may be FRIENDSHIP , you both may become best friends with each other in future. In the same manner, this tool can be used by MAINLY SINGLES and two person and anyone can use this tool,couples can also use it. Please comment if you like !!


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